Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sponsor's Represent!

Random splattering:

My longest sponsor who has sunk the most money into me got part of his website up this week:
Or for your convince, click HERE. The other part of the website (there is a link in the bottom left) will be up soon. From what I've seen, its going to be pretty kick ass.

I googled for the website and found some other people who blogged about meeting my dad and riding his Segs. My old man is really getting the word out!

Also of note is the Twin 6 boys have re-vamped their site and they gave some dude his own bio. I can't wait to get my sweet threads! There is some other stuff on there to waste some of your work day on, so take a gander.

And now, a picture cuse I can't blog without at least one:

Word to your moms.

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