Friday, January 19, 2007

Back in my head.

Lots and lots and lots and lots of miles.
I love training. I love living the life. Wake, ride, work, sleep and repeat. I also love the eating. Good, tasty foods, and lots of 'em.
Doesn't look like the chamois time will subside anytime soon...bustin' my booty this year and its going to pay off big in a few months.
I went on a bang up ride yesterday with Brian from the deep south. It was a good time. Perfect mix of talk and solitude, good pace and some good roads.
I found this picture of Floyd Landis the other day:
I like Floyd Landis a little more.
I didn't like Landis before. He won the tour. Eh, good for him. But I love the way he is handling himself with his doping saga. Pure balls man. He's not like that Armstrong fella. He eats what he wants, drank beer during the tour and then I saw that photo up there? Pure rock star. More because he isn't running. I haven't really figured out if I think he did it or not (doesn't really matter anyway) but I respect the way he's going out.

Maybe some of you pay attention when your reading my endless banter and are wondering what the deal is with my titles. They have nothing to do with anything. It had a simple beginning, I was listing to some music and getting my blog on, heard a song lyric and decided to use it as the title. As I'm shooting for the stars with popularity in the infested ocean of cycling blogs, I noticed that I was getting a lot of hits based on random song lyrics. People Google some Justin Timberlake, and end up with my blog at the top of the search results. Thats how we do.

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